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Sweet Nothings- The Future History of Newburg: Season 2 Episode 11
“Thanks for all your help, Jackie, but the last thing we need is you getting hurt in the line of ... well the line of our duty.” Pearson...
The Young and the Sleepless- The Future History of Newburg: Season 2 Episode 10
Ginny Barnes sat bolt upright in bed. The late autumn wind howled outside her bedroom window, yet the air felt stuffy. She tossed her...
Love and Curses- The Future History of Newburg: Season 2 Episode 9
Some people thought the gypsy caravan that roved around Newburg every few weeks was charming. Jackie wouldn’t go so far as to join them...
Let Sleeping Dragons Lie
Jackie scrolled through the electric blue feed projected above her com-ring. The chairs in the waiting area of the complex lab complex...
Quantum Anomalies
Chief Pearson crested the hill near Takahashi’s cave where he saw a handful of his uniformed men waiting. He breathed heavily after his...
The Alchemist and The Little People: The Future History of Newburg Podcast Transcription S2 E4
Hump hrey narrowed his eyes at the pale, fluorescent lights that buzzed above him. They didn’t light the drab interview room so much as...
Gone Gold- Season 2 Episode 3 The Future History of Newburg Podcast Transcription
The entity glided past the gate keepers with no effort. These digital systems presented little challenge to get through; they were so...
New Newburg: TFHON Season 2 Episode 2 Podcast Transcription
Jackie watched as Amelia slapped her hands ineffectively against the walls of the glass chamber. “Dr. Weber! What have you done?!!?”...
Stimulating Simulations- The Future History of Newburg Podcast Transcript for Season 2 Episode 1
The red curly straw emerging from Jackie Thurgood’s drink looped toward her face, but she didn’t sip it. Having the snout of a pig wasn’t...
Red Gums- Bonus Episode Season 1
With her foot, Ginny flipped the black and white soccer ball up and onto her toe. Then she tossed it in the air in front of her where she...
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